Saturday, May 30, 2009
Killer Pics
If you would like to see God's hands at work, visit Mr. Walker's blog page. There are some pictures of a recent lightning storm that are spectacular. It's always nice to take a moment to appreciate God's Beauty.
Bloglines is a Hit!
I just finished reading Erin Grave's blog page along with several others and it appears that "Bloglines" is a success. My classmates are ranting and raving about "Bloglines" and how it has simplified searching the net. I couldn't agree anymore, I'm sold.
Need to Laugh?
Bloglines = Amazing!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
And the winner is ...
I had a lot of fun exploring the Web 2.0 Award's list. After exploring the many sites on the list, I would have to say my favorites are "Revolution Health" and "PEERtrainer." I am a sucker for health related information. It's amazing what these sites have to offer the user. On these particular sites, a visitor can receive nutrition guides, workouts, support/counseling, and much more. As intriguing as these sites are, I'm scared they might put me out of business as a strength and conditioning coach. These sites and others alike have become so extensive and developed that a career as a personal trainer might become obsolete. However, until my services are no longer needed, I will still utilize these sites and others as resources.
Google Docs: I Never Knew
For my classes, I use Microsoft Excel to compute my grades. I am a big fan of Excel for it's easy layout and usage. However, I always encounter problems when I want to bring work home and calculate grades. My school computer has Microsoft Excel, my home computer does not. To bring work home, I must break down my laptop and cart it home. Over the past four years, this has become a pain and kept me from doing work at home and staying organized. Not anymore due to the discovery of Google Docs. I never knew this application was available. Having the ability to use Excel from home is going to be so valuable and time saving. Scott, thanks for introducing me to Google Docs.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Not all is bad

I've realized that my blogs recently have been attacking technology and filled with a lot of negativity. I might not be a fan of "Facebook" or "Twitter," but I really like this blog page idea. My wheels are already spinning and I'm beginning to brainstorm some ideas for next school year of how to incorporate a blog page within my courses. I think the use of a blog page would prove to be so useful in posting projects and soliciting student feedback on assignments. Also, I think it would increase student engagement and productivity amongst my students. Thank you Scott for introducing me to this particular piece of technology.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Social Networking: A Response to The Assigned Readings
This blog might seem contradictory to my last blog, but just because I enjoyed using "Facebook," does not infer that I would encourage it's usage amongst my high school students. Yes, social networking sites like "Facebook" and "My Space" have many great aspects associated with them. However, in my experience the con's have out wieghed the pro's. Speaking on behalf of my school, the majority of problems and "high school drama" we experience are directly related to "My Space." I don't want people out there to think I'm bashing these sites or technology, but these sites require the user to be responsible and mature. And to my knowledge, high school students struggle with these attributes. For example, this year I had a student create a "My Space" page for me without my consent. In addition to this, they would actually log on as me and post blogs pretending to be me. Something as innocent as social networking turned detrimental. The articles titled, "Examining Social Software in Teacher Education," "Social Networking," and "Teen Services," had many valid and valuable arguments on behalf of social networking. Case in point, the article, "Social Networking," referred to the Virginia Tech shootings and how college students would post messages for loved ones saying that they were okay. This is a great example of social networking's importance. However, the article referred to college students, not high school students. Until my students demonstrate responsibility, maturity, and sound judgement, I will not promote social networking within my courses.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
It's hard to imagine, but today was my first time ever on a social networking site. Today I created a "Facebook" account for myself and to my surprise enjoyed my experience. This is hard to believe if you know me. Prior to this day, I emphatically forbidded to view social networking sites like "Facebook" and "My Space." I thought they were destructive and a complete waste of time. However, after today, I understand the benefits and perks associated with social networking sites. For example, while exploring "Facebook," I came across old high school classmates' profiles that I lost contact with and was able to get reacquainted.
I just "twitted" for my first time, and honestly, I think it's pointless. I'm not a private person, but not everything about my life needs to be public knowledge. Not to offend anyone, but imagine what one could do with the time if they stopped "twitting" and "texting?" I know for a fact my high school students' grades would improve. What's more important, being successful and productive or being up to date with pointless information?
Friday, May 22, 2009
My Flickr Experience
Sunday, May 17, 2009
When it rains, it pours.
How come everything happens at once? I received my CSCS certification in February. Was "pink slipped" and celebrated my oldest son's second birthday in March. My second son was born in April. I started work on my masters and took the CSET in physical education in May. And in June, will finish up another year of teaching and begin an internship at Stanford University. What causes this phenomenon?
Am I weird?
I need to confess something. I enjoy spending countless hours on Saturdays doing yard work. Is that normal or is there something wrong with me?
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